The AOA is grateful for the following donors who made this recognition possible with their generous donations which also supports the AOA leadership programs.
Matthew P. Abdel, MD
April D. Armstrong, MD, FRCSC, FAOA &
  Mark Hubbard
Andrew T. Assenmacher, MD
George Athwal
Daniel C. Austin, MD
Emily Barlow
Theodore A. Blaine, MD, FAOA
Stephen S. Burkhart, MD, FAOA
W.Z. ‘Buz’ Burkhead, Jr., MD, FAOA
Christopher L. Camp, MD
Akin Cil, MD
John R. Crockarell, Jr., MD, FAOA
Jesse C. DeLee, MD, FAOA
Thomas Duquin, MD
C. McCollister Evarts, MD, FAOA
Brett A. Freedman, MD, FAOA
Dr. Krystin & Mitch Hidden
John W. Hinchey, MD
Andrew R. Jensen, MD
Matthew Kergosien, MD
Harold B. Kitaoka, MD, FAOA
Claudette Lajam, MD, FAOA
Julia Lee
Bruce A. Levy, MD
Francisco Lopez-Gonzalez, MD
Joseph Mileti, MD
Dr. Mark & Ruth Morrey
Ahmad N. Nassr, MD, FAOA
Mary I. O’Connor, MD, FAOA
Nicholas A. Pulos, MD
Anthony A. Romeo, MD, FAOA
Peter S. Rose, MD, FAOA
Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo, MD
Felix H. Savoie, III, MD, FAOA
William Shaughnessy
Rafael Sierra, MD
Adam Smith, MD
John W. Sperling, MD, MBA
Philipp Streubel
Dr. Marc & Beth Swiontkowski
Thomas Throckmorton, MD, FAOA
Michael Torchia, MD
Christian Veillette, MD, FRCSC
J. Michael Wiater, MD, FAOA
Peter Zarkadas, MD
Chunfeng Zhao, MD
Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD, FAOA